Do you have a home that’s cluttered and chaotic? If so, then it’s time to take some action. Our 30 day decluttering challenge will help. This guide can walk you through the steps of organizing your home room by room in just one month!
Are you looking for a way to get organized and declutter your home? If so, then you’ll want to try our 30 day declutter challenge!
In just one month, you can have your home looking and feeling great. Follow these simple steps and you’ll be on your way to a clutter-free home in no time.
This simple 30-day challenge will help you to declutter your home one room at a time and before you know it, your home will be completely clutter free!

These daily challenges will have the whole house free of unwanted items by the end of the month. The daily tasks will have you focusing on a different area of your own home every day.
So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start fresh and create a (more) organized home with this decluttering process.
30-day declutter challenge
Day 1: Bedroom Closet
When you are ready to start getting organized, don’t just dive into the deep end. Start with a shallower pool: your closet! You probably have more items in there than clothes and footwear, so take control of one section of your closet at a time

Day 2: Kitchen Drawers
We all have those items in our kitchens that we just never use. We all know the feeling of holding on too many plastic straws, utensils or anything else in our kitchen drawers. It’s time for an intervention! Get rid of any unnecessary items and make room at home, I’m sure you don’t need as many hot pads in your kitchen drawers!
Day 3: Craft Supplies
We all have those supplies that we just can’t seem to get rid of, but you know what? It’s time to toss them and save some space in the meantime.
Day 4: Kids Toys
See which toys your kids use frequently and donate the rest! Our children accumulate more than we could ever imagine, but with so many they get overwhelmed.
Day 5: Clothes
Get rid of the clothes that don’t fit anymore and put things you wear a couple times of year in storage containers.

Day 6: Bathroom Items
It’s a good idea to go through your bathroom items and see if you have any that are still wrapped and unused. You may not use them, so it’s best if they’re donated or given away! Ditch all of the empty bottles that you find under the bathroom sink too.
Day 7: Beauty Products
This is very similar to the bathroom, but it is dedicated to just your beauty products. This can include hair products, makeup, body wash, jewelry, and accessories.

Day 8: Pantry
We all have those foods in our pantries that clean out those expired foods and then replace them with fresh ingredients.
Day 9: Junk Drawer
The junk drawer in your kitchen is a perfect spot to start decluttering. The junk drawer is a place we all end up putting things that don’t belong in our homes. You can get rid of things you never use, and put them where they belong instead of just shoving everything back inside!
Day 10: Books
You know you will never read those old college textbooks again, so why not let them go and give someone else the chance to love it as much as you did? We all have books in our collections that we don’t ever intend on reading. There’s nothing wrong with getting rid of such items if they are no longer useful or relevant. This is also a great opportunity to purge old magazines.
Day 11: Car
Go through the items in your car and give it a good clean. You might even find items that went missing! If you are feeling it, go get a car wash too.
Day 12: Pictures on Phone
What’s on your phone? Chances are, you have plenty of old photos and screenshots that can be deleted to make room for new pictures. Delete those unnecessary files today and free up some storage space.
Day 13: Email Inbox
You can also do a digital declutter by going through your inbox on email and deleting anything you don’t need anymore. It’s common to keep all the shipping numbers for items we buy, but then never delete them-so these will just pile up! Unsubscribe from weekly emails.

Day 14: Yard or Porch
What’s your yard like? Is it a mess of items stacked on or around the porch, with no space for anything else in sight? Take this day to do some good weeding and decluttering.
Day 15: Cupboards and Kitchen Counters
You have a lot of old, unused tupperware in your cupboard that you can’t even find the lids for anymore? Maybe it’s time to get rid of these items! What about all those baking dishes and juicers which are just taking up space. You might as well make some room on top so new things don’t go onto an already full shelf or table while also getting rid off something outdated at once
Day 16: Laundry Room and Linen Closet
Clean out your laundry room today! Do you have an excess of laundry detergent bottles you thought you would reuse but haven’t? How about cleaning supplies, towels, and hampers that are old, ratty, and broken, don’t you think it’s time to get rid of them?
Day 17: Garage
Tackling your garage is a big task, but you can do it! Just choose one section that interests you or bugs and go from there.
Day 18: Apps on Your Phone
We all know the feeling of downloading an app and then never going back. But how many apps are just taking up space on our phones? If you’re looking for a way to clean out some extra clutter, go through each entry in your phone’s list- there might be something worth getting rid or deleting!
Day 19: Purse
See what you have in your purse- old receipts, gum or candy that’s been there forever? Maybe some broken hair ties too!
Day 20: Computer Desk or Home Office
The first step to a more productive work week is tidying up your desk. Clear out any clutter or distractions and create an environment where you’re excited about getting back into productivity! Put important documents into plastic bins.

Day 21: 72-Hour Kit
You should have a 72-hour kit in case disaster strikes. Check to make sure the clothes you put into your emergency backpack still fit and that food isn’t expired before putting it away for good this time around!
Day 22: Cleaning Products
Why have 10 different cleaners when they all work in exactly the same way? Declutter your cleaning products for an easier time scrubbing & dusting!
Day 23: Diaper Bag
What’s in your diaper bag? Is it too small for the little one, or do you have an extra pair of clothes that are two sizes too tight. Get rid of these old things and restock with some new gear!
Day 24: Social Media
When scrolling through your Facebook feed, are there certain friends or acquaintances that get you upset every time they post something? Consider going through the list and unfollowing those people. You will feel so much better when done as a result of happier emotions while browsing social media!
Day 25: Electronic Chargers
You probably have 12 of the same exact charger but only use 1 or 2 at a time. Do you really need all those chargers? Did you find a charger that doesn’t work for any of the electronics you own when you decluttered them?
Day 26: Grocery Bags
Do you have a huge collection of plastic grocery bags? More and more states are switching their laws to require all shoppers use reusable totes. Consider recycling those old ones today!
Day 27: Food Storage
The best way to declutter your food storage is by creating a list of things that you typically eat, and then buy in bulk, then find the perfect spot for this new area.
Day 28: Subscriptions
You can save money by canceling unnecessary subscriptions. Have you ever taken a good look at your bills and seen if there are any that might be worth cutting? Maybe something just isn’t needed as much, so it could free up space in the budget for other things!
Day 29: Medicine Cabinet
There are plenty of drop-off boxes where you can safely discard any pills that don’t work for your needs. Most expired medicine doesn’t necessarily go bad, but it does lose its effectiveness so make sure to check the date on all medications before throwing away!
Day 30: Hall Coat Closet – It’s the last day!
Hall closets are usually the first place that people go when they need to clean out their home. You might be surprised at all of your old stuff hiding in there!
What is a Great Place to Donate Items in Good Condition?
Local goodwill, Facebook marketplace, Local churches, Salvation Army or have a garage sale!

You did it! You’re going to feel so much better after this 30-day challenge. By completing small decluttering tasks every day, your home will become a calming and relaxing place.
Get your FREE copy of our 30 Days Declutter Challenge Below!
We can’t wait to hear about your success in decluttering your home.
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